Ford | Bronco | Colorado

Always rad to meet someone who you follow on social media……. On the internet Julian Carr seemed cool, like a regular dude who happens to do unregular things. Not sure that’s a word, but its fitting, at least to describe him. That being said, I was amped when Outside TV told me we were meeting up with him on the next leg of our Ford Bronco shoot. Within minutes of meeting up I knew Julian was a great dude and he really meshed well with the crew. I wish very much that we got to see him do one of his famous ski jumps, however this shoot was early season so there was a zero chance of witnessing that. Also I don’t know how I would personally feel watching and shooting him doing one of those jumps. It can be very tough shooting while someone is teetering on the edge of safety, and he pushes that boarder more than most. It was so awesome getting to meet him and watching him find a few lines early season up in Silverton, Colorado.

So hanging with Julian, was Luke Bredar who’s working with Julian this upcoming season gaining epic footage. Anytime I am shooting in Silverton, Colorado I love it. You always get the most epic mountain views, crazy landscapes, and the weather. Boy do they get some weather. It was great shooting up there and I can’t wait to go back.

Thanks for having me Outside TV and Ford